Intentionally activating my God-given purpose in life

My pastor says ‘our service to God should be born from fear of Him, not convenience or ambition’. This means we don’t serve God when we feel like it or when we have the time but we make it a priority and do it out of obedience. Thus, It needs to be done full-heartedly and with some intentionality.

This is not in a desire to get recognition from man but from God. We live only for an audience of ONE. So, that in our actions we may bring Him glory. I don’t want to seek fame or renown in my achievements; I want to find my importance in my service not my recognition.

So, we must guard our hearts, taking care that evil thoughts of pride don’t take root in our hearts and discerning the evil treasures that have taken root in our hearts and repenting and renouncing to them.

I am taking more deliberate stalk of my thoughts on pen and paper this week and discovering what the bible has to say about them. And today, in this blog, I will list out a plan of more actionable steps to carrying out my vision.

Here is what I believe God has spoken to me about my purpose and calling in Him as well as some actionable steps to achieving them…

  1. Evangelism:
    • I will learn about the simple gospel that saves more specifically, about repentance from sin and how to get and preach salvation. I will take notes on Ray Comfort videos to start with. [This year]
    • I will practice giving my testimony with power including how the gospel played out in my life. [This year]
  2. Prophetic
    • Grow in discernment by keeping a journal of all the words God speaks to me daily. [ASAP]
    • Wake up and after seeking God in prayerful bible reading ask for prophetic guidance over the day and see the accuracy of it at least once a week. [ASAP]
  3. Psalmist
    • Work on my songs at least an hour a week. And finish the ones I started. [ASAP]
    • Read psalms and other poems for inspiration. [As needed]

As I build these habits into my life, I will find that I am not acting on whim as to fulfilling my God-given purpose but I will be walking more intentionally in a way that pleases Him.

If this resonated with you at all, I exhort you acknowledge the Holy Spirit speaking and take action NOW!

Much love 💕

Breaking down mental strongholds

I am determined to leave the life of victimhood, of always blaming others for the life I’m living, and take responsibility for my decisions. I refuse to allow my mind to be a space for trash to accumulate- no- I will feed it with thoughts of victory and keep my focus on JESUS. THERE, He is my escape route. Then in the pain, I will stand firm and overcome! Then I will see victory in my life!

I see how I have allowed certain system of thoughts to be entrenched in my mind and it can’t be!!!! I am literally creating road blocks to my advancement; today I break those down!! I don’t care how uncomfortable I refuse to cohabitate with a negative thought, with thoughts that take me to rebellion and sin. I am purified I can’t live with them!

I think in faith! That’s my new motto. Not I think in feelings. I am less sensual and always meditating on the word of God as my lense for life. I refuse to be moved by the world. I MUST SEE GOD ACT IN MY LIFE!

Frustration in Seeking the Lord

Another day seeking.

(One thing that has stuck out to me this week is about being genuine. Being straight-forward. Sometimes we tend to embellish or make our story sound better than it really is but Jesus doesn’t need our help to make Him look glorious. So my commitment is to transparency and genuineness.)

Lately I have been getting frustrated in my meeting room with Jesus. I cry and say not so nice things to Jesus in frustration. It’s sad. I know the source of my frustration is that I am not spiritually where I used to be and because my memory is still improving I don’t yet remember how I got there before and its causing me frustration because I don’t remember exactly what worked.

I know the strategy is seek Him for only Him, nothing else. But I’m complicating things and I’ve forgotten the simplicity and power of that statement.

I don’t know whats in my heart. I know I want to see the completion of my miracle, I know I want to see significance in my life and get back seven times what the devil stole from me, I know I want to see fame (no matter how much I deny it to myself) but are these the things that I am beholding in the prayer room or is it the King.

I ask the Lord to remove them far from me, strip them away. Thats all I can do. But I don’t know the rest of the battle plan. I know tentatively it is to know Jesus and to be known by Him. I’m going to forge ahead with this battle plan and let it be enough. Not let the anxieties of what if it doesn’t work to get me back to my spirituality get to me because, again, the objective is Him. ❤

The time my strength failed me… (depression)

I remember vividly how I couldn’t even lift a finger if it hadn’t been God’s strength surging through my hand. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. (Isaiah 40:29)He was my push, my reason for tomorrow when I had nothing left. My self-esteem extinguished, my confidence diminished. I was living moment to moment, breath to breath just trying to make it to the next. But God did it. He carried me through it. It felt like He inhabited my body and literally lifted me up moving it. I learned then you truly cannot see His strength until you are made perfectly weak. (2 Corinthians 12:9) And it was truly HIs strength that got me through it.